Ongoing Website Management: DIY or Hire

By JJ Rosen October 24, 2022
Website Management

Many people have the wrong idea about websites for business. It’s not like a business card – static. It’s something that grows, evolves, and provides prospective customers with information, services and products. Websites are active, which means they need ongoing website management.

Why You Need Ongoing Website Management

NO ONE likes a broken website. If you’ve ever searched for something on Google and landed on a website that was excruciatingly slow or dysfunctional, you know the frustration.

You DO NOT want to give your site visitors the same experience. It’s not a good look for you or your business.

Ongoing website maintenance prevents problems from reaching your potential customers.

Website maintenance also helps your digital marketing efforts, especially with search engine optimization (SEO). Google and other search engines only want to show their users the best content online.

How do they identify the best content?

It has to be informational and provide good user experience. Professional website design and a solid content management system gets you started. Proper website management is what keeps the ball moving to bring in new leads.

What’s Important in Ongoing Website Management

Now you know websites need to be active in the way of growing and evolving with new content and blog posts, but is that all that’s important in ongoing website management? No, not at all.

Improve User Experience with Website Development

Proper website management means always assessing and identifying ways to improve user experience. As new ways to improve a website are identify, website development follows with implementation.

Ensuring Website Security

Website development isn’t always happening, though. What’s already existing needs to be maintained as well. With regular updates and upgrades, ongoing maintenance ensures the site remains functional and secure.

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One of the biggest security risks for a website is plugin updates. Plugins, especially security ones, are always updating to be able to block malware and other hacking attempts. That is one of the many activities part of ongoing maintenance.

Analyzing Website Results

Effective management includes assessing the results of a website. Since a successful business depends on new leads coming from a website, it’s not a surprise that reviewing analytics in Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other SEO tools is part of ongoing website management.

After analyzing, it’s important to review the search engine optimization – SEO strategy and make adjustments as needed. By staying on top of the latest trends in search results by making changes to the site as needed, a website can improve their online presence.

Website Management Services or Do It Yourself

You have two options when it comes to maintaining your website. You can hire a website management company or you can do it yourself.

Website Management Services

A company that provides business website management often has a team that includes a web developer, web designer, SEO specialists and website manager available to assess, analyze, and do what needs to be done as it needs to be done.

Plugin Updates and Website Hosting

A website manager is the main point of contact that goes through the site on a regular basis to check plugin updates, audit reports, and website hosting. If there’s ever a problem, the website manager will either take care of it or ask a specialist to take over depending on the task required.

For instance, if a plugin update makes images on the site disappear, a website developer can often troubleshoot the issue and correct it quickly and easily. It can save some people hours in troubleshooting and fixing the problem.

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Website Backups

You never know when something may make your site not work anymore. That’s why website backups are so important. No matter if it’s a WordPress website, Drupel, Joomla, etc. a website backup should be performed regularly.

Website Design for New or Updating Graphics

If there needs to be a change to a website page requiring new or updated graphics, the web designer can quickly create the graphics so the web developer can publish it.

As mentioned above, a digital marketing strategy cannot be effective without regular updates dictated by a SEO strategy. An SEO specialist or team can take care of the entire process.

Digital Marketing Strategy

For example, the SEO team can review the digital marketing strategy, Google Analytics, and then make changes to the existing website to better optimize it. This may include new blog posts and landing pages. As they make changes, they assess if online presence is improving and continue to identify ways to continue the upward trend.

Doing Ongoing Website Management Yourself

You can take care of the entire process yourself, but do you have the time to do it? A successful business needs a lot of attention when it comes to managing customers, products and services.

Ongoing website management takes a lot of time. It can take 10 hours a month for a professional. It can take double that or even more to manage a website for someone who doesn’t know how to do it.

Even with WordPress websites, which are user-friendly. All it takes is a problem with contact forms and losing leads to know that it’s better to leave the work to a website management company.

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Contact a Website Management Company

Atiba offers ongoing website management services. If you’re struggling to find time to keep your website maintained, turn to us. We’ve been helping businesses nationwide with ongoing website maintenance for over 30 years.

Contact us today to discuss your existing website to determine the best website management services for it. Once we know that, we can send you a proposal for consideration.

Looking for more website help?

In addition to ongoing website maintenance, we also offer website redesign services. If you’ve been thinking of having a new website built, this is the best time to do it. Once you have your beautiful website live, we can take care of making sure it performs the way it should for your online visitors.

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